Update companies - Intergraph Smart Materials - 5.1 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials MobileScan Help (5.1)

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To create a picking ticket to issue to a company that company must be updated in Smart Materials.

  1. Go to A.10.23 Companies in Smart Materials

    4.2.1 Update Companies A.10.26

  2. Create a new company or update an existing company by double clicking on the Company tab.

    4.2.1 Update Company 'Company'

  3. Under the COMPANY TYPES header, add the SUBCONTRACTOR type.

    4.2.1 Update Companies Assign Subcontractor

  4. Go to C.10.22 Project Subcontractors

    4.2.1 Update Companies C.10.22

  5. Add the desired companies to the list.

    4.2.1 Update Companies Add Subcontractor

  6. The subcontractor list is now updated and the companies are ready to be issued picking tickets.

    4.2.1 Update Companies Updated Subcontractor List

  7. Now when we access the Initiate Issue function, we see that all desired companies appear on the drop-down list.

    4.2.1 Update Companies Drop Down List