Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Configuration - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Installation (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

If you want to configure Smart Materials with secure socket layer (SSL), follow the instructions in this section.

IIS Configuration

  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Select Default Web Site > Edit Site Bindings.

  3. Click Add....


  4. Select https from the Type list.

  5. Click Select… to get the list of available certificates.


  6. Select one from the list and click OK.

    If a certificate is not available for selection, use Microsoft Management Console to import. Then try again.


  7. Click OK to add bindings.


  8. Click Close.


  9. Go to Sites > Default Web Site > SmartMaterials2020 and double-click HTTP Response Headers.

  10. Type X-Frame-Options in the Name box and DENY in the Value box, and then click OK.



  1. Invoke SQL*Plus and connect as M_SYS.

  2. In the m_applications table, replace http with https in the URL column.

  3. Check the m_pck_url_custom.get_smatnet_url function and adjust if needed, replace http with https.

Application Server Configuration Changes

Perform the steps in this section on the server where Smart Materials is installed.

Application Launcher

  1. Find the url to the deployment service in index.htm, located under <ProductRootLocation>\Web\Launcher.

  2. Adjust the url by replacing http with https.


  1. Open <ProductRootLocation>\Web\DataBrokerService\Web.config.

  2. In the <serviceBehaviors> section, ensure that httpsGetEnabled="true" is set.


  3. In the <bindings> section, check that binding properties are added for https as shown in the picture below.


  4. In the <services> section, change the bindingConfiguration name to https configuration in the endpoints as shown below.


  5. Save and close the web.config.


  1. Open <ProductRootLocation>\Web\DeploymentService\Web.config.

  2. In the <serviceBehaviors> section, ensure that httpsGetEnabled="true" is set.


  3. In the <bindings> section, check that binding properties are added for https as shown in the picture below.


  4. In the <services> section, change the bindingConfiguration name to https configuration in the endpoints as shown below.


  5. Save and close the web.config.

Smart Materials Client

  1. Open <ProductRooLocationt>\SPMAT\Intergraph.WPF.Apps.SPMatApplication2.exe.config.

  2. In the <SmartPlantOnlineHelp> section, replace http with https as shown below.


    <add key="Mapping" value="" />



    <add key="PromptsUri" value="" />



  3. In the <client> section, remove endpoint with name DataBrokerEndPoint and bindingConfiguration= IntergraphCustomHttpBinding, rename endpoint with bindingConfiguration IntergraphCustomHttpsBinding to DataBrokerEndPoint



    <endpoint address="urn:databroker" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpBinding" contract="Intergraph.Common.Communication.IDataBrokerService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDataBrokerNormal" name="DataBrokerEndPoint" />


    <endpoint address="urn:databroker" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpsBinding

    " contract="Intergraph.Common.Communication.IDataBrokerService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDataBrokerNormalHttps" name="DataBrokerEndPoint" />

  4. Remove endpoint with name DeploymentEndPoint and bindingConfiguration IntergraphCustomHttpBinding, rename endpoint with bindingConfiguration IntergraphCustomHttpsBinding to DeploymentEndPoint.


    <endpoint address="urn:deployment" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpBinding" contract="Intergraph.DataContracts.IDeploymentService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDeployment" name="DeploymentEndPoint" />


    <endpoint address="urn:deployment" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpsBinding" contract="Intergraph.DataContracts.IDeploymentService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDeploymentHttps" name="DeploymentEndPoint" />

  5. Remove endpoint with name StreamedTransferServiceEndPoint and bindingConfiguration IntergraphCustomHttpBinding, rename endpoint with bindingConfiguration IntergraphCustomHttpsBinding to StreamedTransferServiceEndPoint.


    <endpoint address="urn:streaming" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpStreamedBinding" contract="Intergraph.Common.Communication.IStreamedTransferService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDataBrokerStreaming" name="StreamedTransferServiceEndPoint" />


    <endpoint address="urn:streaming" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="IntergraphCustomHttpsStreamedBinding" contract="Intergraph.Common.Communication.IStreamedTransferService" behaviorConfiguration="viaBehaviorDataBrokerStreamingHttps" name="StreamedTransferServiceEndPoint" />


Post Configuration Steps

  1. Open a command prompt window as system administrator and navigate to the <ProductRootLocation>\tools directory.

  2. Run install_or_update_spmat.cmd.

  3. Enter database, user M_SERVICE and password M_SERVICE (if not changed during installation, otherwise updated password).

  4. Restart IIS.

  5. On the client machine delete shortcuts to Smart Materials if any.

  6. Start Application Launcher and cleanup Appstore.