Receiving by PO - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Training - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Lab Tutorials (10.2)

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For material receipts on site based on purchase orders or notices of commitment and their shipments, you can use the C.20.01 Prepare MRR by PO screen.

To create a new material receiving report (MRR), you must select the order number from the LOV in the Order Number field. The LOV displays agreements depending on the value of the project default ZC_ALL_PO:

  • ZC_ALL_PO = A - All approved purchase orders (PO) and notices of commitment (NOC).

  • ZC_ALL_PO = C - All approved and closed POs and NOCs.

  • ZC_ALL_PO = O - All approved POs and NOCs with outstanding quantities, which means at least one line item exists with an expected quantity greater than zero.

  • ZC_ALL_PO = R - All approved POs and NOCs with at least one line item with an expected quantity greater than zero and that are not already received by an unposted MRR.

Enter the receiving date in the Matl Recv Date field, or select it from the LOV.

If the project default ZC_BIN_LOC is set to BLOC, a site code must be selected from the LOV in the Site Code field. Next, select the warehouse from the LOV in the Warehouse field and the location from the LOV in the Location field. The status is set automatically when the project default ZC_STATUS is set. The status can be changed when you select a status from the LOV in the Recv Status field. The warehouse, location, and status entered on the MRR header level are used as the default for the MRR details and the inventory receipts.

MRR descriptions can be entered in the Short Desc and Description fields. The next fields are optional and free text fields. If shipment groups were defined for the selected PO in Expediting, you can select a group from the LOV in the Shipment Group field. The name of the person who received the material can be entered in the Received By field, the name of the shipper in the Shipper field, and any shipper reference number in the Shipper Ref No field. Finally, save the new MRR.

The Auto create OSDs check box can only be selected for unposted MRRs with revision 0. The default of this check box is controlled by the project default ZC_CR_OSDS. If the check box is selected, OS&Ds are created automatically when you post the MRR with the Post button. The OS&Ds are created as 'Over' or 'Short'. There is no automatic update on OS&Ds. Only material that has already been posted to the inventory is taken into account when the software determines whether an OS&D must be created or not.

The OS&Ds that are generated here appear on C.20.09.01 OSD for Receiving only.

Select the only Release Note shipments option to populate only shipments of the assigned agreement that are also on a release note (depends on the project default ZC_ALL_PO).

You can use the Populate Order button to copy all line items of the selected agreement to the MIR.

When you have selected an item shipment group from the LOV in the Shipment Group field on the MRR header, the Populate Group button is enabled and can be used to insert all item shipments of the selected shipment group in the Inventory Receipts block. Only the item shipments with an expected quantity greater than zero are taken into account.

  • The Populate Group button is only active for unposted MRRs with revision 0, with a shipment group selected on the MRR header, and as long as no inventory receipt has been added to the selected MRR.

  • The LOV in the Shipment Group field shows all shipment groups if the ZP_HIDE_MT project default is set to N. If ZP_HIDE_MT is set to Y, shipment groups that have only master tags are not shown in the list of values.

  • The Attachments button can be used to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen where you can attach attributes to the MRR. The D.90.21 screen shows the MRR number in the header of the screen when it is opened from a receiving screen. If D.90.21 is opened from C.20.01 or C.20.01.02, attached attributes of item shipments with their values are shown automatically in the attached attributes block. If you create a new revision of an MRR, the attributes are copied to the new revision. In the case of an MRR or line item deletion, the attached attributes are also deleted. The attributes can be changed / added / deleted at any time, regardless of whether the MRR was posted or has a revision greater than 0.

Instead of using the Populate buttons, you can add order line items manually to the MRR. Open the LOV in the Pos field in the second (Inventory Receipts) block, or click the Line Items button at the bottom of the screen. Window 2 opens, displaying all the line items of the agreement assigned to the MRR.

Select the Sel indicator of all the order line items to be included, or click the Select All button to select all displayed items. To cancel the selection, you can use the Unselect All button. Then click the Fill in button to close Window 2 and to insert all the selected order line items into the MRR.

The Site Code, Warehouse, Location, and Recv Status fields are automatically populated from the MRR header, but can be changed.

The Received Quantity is set to 0 (zero) when the project default ZC_QTYRECV is set to N. If the project default ZC_QTYRECV is set to Y (default), the Received Quantity field is filled with the expected quantity for this item shipment. In each case, this quantity can be changed.

If the expected quantity differs from the received quantity, a warning appears to make you aware that you should create an OS&D.

If the MRR revision is greater than 0, you can only revise the not yet reserved or issued quantity. In addition, if heat numbers received with a previous revision have been issued (partially or complete), you cannot post the MRR without a heat number or the correct heat quantity.

The Qty changed indicator shows if the quantity has been changed compared to the previous revision of this MRR.

If the material was received with a heat number, you can select the heat number and related information like certificate, manufacturer, and file location from the LOV in the Heat Number field. If the heat number was not entered on C.10.04, you can enter the new heat number with the associated certificate number, manufacturer, and file location here. This heat number is also saved on C.10.04 when you save the changes.

Another way to assign (multiple) heat numbers to received material is to use the C.20.08 Received Heat Numbers screen, called via fastcall. When heat numbers are assigned to the inventory receipt item on the C.20.08 screen, the Ident Code field appears with a magenta background color.

To complete the material receiving, click the Post button in the first block to insert the material assigned to the selected MRR in the inventory to make it available for issue and reservation. Moreover, the posted date of the MRR is set and the MRR can no longer be changed.

The Post button is only enabled for MRRs with details (inventory receipts).

To undo the MRR posting, you can click the Unpost button to cancel all posted inventory receipts of the selected MRR. Unposting is only possible as long as the available quantity (on-hand) in the inventory is sufficient. The warehouse, location, and receiving status of the inventory item must be the same as on the MRR for the calculation of the on-hand quantity. If the quantity is not sufficient to unpost the inventory receipts, an appropriate message appears.

The Unpost button is only enabled for posted MRRs as long as no higher revision exists for this MRR.

To create a new revision for the MRR, click the Revision button. With an MRR revision, you can only change the receiving quantities of material (idents) received by a previous revision of the same MRR. You cannot add new material or change the warehouse, location, or receiving status.

The Revision button is only enabled for posted MRRs with the highest revision of this MRR.

If the revision of an MRR is 0 and the MRR is not posted, you can apply changes to the warehouse, location, and so forth. After posting the MRR, no more updates or inserts of inventory receipts are allowed. A posted MRR cannot be deleted.

If the revision of an MRR is greater than 0, you can only select line items that were already placed on the MRR with revision 0 and update the received quantity. No other changes (for example, selecting another warehouse) are possible. Every revision overwrites all quantities already received on this MRR with the same MRR number.

The Attachments button at the bottom of the screen can be used to open D.90.21 Attachments, where you can attach attributes to the selected MRR line item.