TE on Quote Level - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.1 - Training - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Lab Tutorials (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

To perform the technical evaluation for the inquiry, open the Inquiry tab.

Here you can see all technical evaluation checklists that have been assigned to the inquiry. For each bidder, you can record whether the bidder meets the technical requirements. Additionally, you can enter comments or remarks on the technical evaluation in the Evaluation Text field.

The Order by … Bidder/Company Name/Company/Buyer options at the top of the tab allow you to order the data in the matrix on the right by bidder, company name, company, or buyer. The order of the technical evaluation checklists can be set as usual by either clicking the Order By ... button or by using the shortcut menu. This sort order is shown in the Ordered by field.

The four lines on the top display, by default, the Bidder, Company Name, Company, and Buyer information. This display can be changed using the CIP functions get_first(second/third/fourth)_field and get_first(second/third/fourth)_prompt. You can find these functions in the package m_pck_company_custom.

The material/work group with which the technical evaluation checklist is associated appears in the Matl/Work Group field.

The TE descriptions appear in the Short Desc and Description fields.

The sequence used to order the technical evaluation checklists within the material/work groups is shown in the Seq field.

The File Name field shows the name of the file containing the technical evaluation checklist. The Document Code shows the name of the document referenced by the technical evaluation checklist, with its revision in the Rev field.

Select the TE Passed check box if the technical evaluation has been passed for this checklist and the selected bidder. You can enter a comment on the technical evaluation in the Evaluation Text field.

The No Bid indicator shows whether the company has submitted a bid. The Rejected indicator shows whether the bid was rejected. The Received indicator shows if the quote has been received from the bidder. A quote is regarded as being received if the date for the preliminary commercial evaluation, the quote reference number, or the quote receiving date has been set on P.30.22.

A technical evaluation can only be performed for those bidders who have returned a bid and whose bid has not been rejected.

If a file name has been entered for the technical evaluation checklist in the File Name field, you can click the Open button to open this file.