PLL Checks Block - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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In this block, all the verification routines that can be used later on in the PLL verification jobs, are defined and set up. A verification check has one of two distinct types.

Smart Materials provides a set of fixed verifications, in other words, built-in functionality that will be recognized by their check names. These are:

  • ATTR_VALUE: (Attribute values validation): This program checks if the values assigned to the Attributes are correct according to the constraints for the attributes defined in A.50.01.

  • CHECK_SPEC: (Check Spec Header): This program checks if the name of the PipingClass assigned in the WBS for each BOM-Position is identical with the one assigned to the Line in the MPLL.

  • INSERT_DN: (Insert new DN in PLL): This program checks if the number of Nodes in the WBS if the distinct number of Nominal Sized for a Line-Number is identical with the number of nominal sizes in the MPLL. In case a Nominal Diameter is missing, it will be inserted in the MPLL.

  • SPEC_UPDT: (Update Spec Header): This program updated spec header with highest available revision for assigned spec header.

The second type is PRC that specifies a procedural check. In other words, it allows execution of PL/SQL procedures developed by customers from within Smart Materials verification processing. Please note however that it should not be considered as a task for users to develop these procedures, but rather as a task for qualified Oracle developers that should be performed in close cooperation with Smart Materials customer support.

Implementation Requirements and Restrictions

Procedural logic for such checks must be incorporated into the Smart Materials PL/SQL package M_PCK_VERIFY_CUSTOM.

Procedure parameter list

The only parameter passed to the procedure is the primary key of the process unit, which is M_PLL_UNITS.PROCESS_UNIT_ID as p_unit_id. Please note that when you define a procedural check in this screen, Smart Materials will validate your input against the DB dictionary view ALL_OBJECTS, searching for a valid package specification and body named M_PCK_PLL_VERIFY_CUSTOM. Smart Materials will then check your input for the check name against the dictionary view ALL_ARGUMENTS to guarantee that the procedure exists and that its parameter list meets the requirements.

Procedure code

Although you can build any kind of valid PL/SQL code in CIP procedures, you should be aware of the fact that you have the freedom to write erroneous code that can seriously corrupt the Smart Materials database.

Error handling

In M_PCK_PLL_VERIFY, the call to CIP procedures will be embedded in a local PL/SQL block with an exception handler. Calling errors will be logged and will appear in the .err output for your verification job. If the procedure returns without error, otherwise they have failed the check, and Smart Materials will perform a partial rollback to the save point that was established before calling the CIP procedure. In other words, it will undo all database modifications that the procedure may have performed.

Example code

The empty template for M_PCK_PLL_VERIFY_CUSTOM contains this procedure template:

-- This is only a template on how a CIP inside this package should look like.

-- Customer may incorporate own procedures here, but they all must have the same
-- parameter list as this template, i.e. the only parameter handed over (and the only
-- one necessary) is the primary key of the BOM position.


PROCEDURE cip_proc ( p_unit_id IN m_pll_units.process_unit_id%TYPE)



NULL; -- add code here

END cip_proc;

The variables are as follows:

  • PLL Check: The 10-digit name for the verification routine (mandatory). Upper case.

  • Short Desc: The description of the verification routine is displayed or must be entered.

  • Description: The long description of the verification routine is displayed or must be entered.

  • Type: This indicates for each verification routine, whether it is a fixed or a procedural verification routine. The FIX property is assigned by the system and the user cannot change it; the PRC property; however, it can be defined by the user when a new record is entered.

  • Rel BOM: The indicator that this function is relevant to BOM.

Translated Descriptions

The Translated Descriptions screen allows language-dependent descriptions of the check.

Valid Smart Materials language codes for all projects and product groups are defined in the A.10.01 - Languages module.

The Translated Descriptions screen contains the following fields:

  • NLS: The unique identifier for the national language.

  • Short Desc: Language dependent short description for the check.

  • Description: Language dependent long description for the check.