BOM Compare - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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The BOM Compare feature allows you to compare two BOM structures with the same or different issue statuses (like Estimate and 1.MTO), or to compare two different issue statuses of the same BOM structure.

As described in the section above, you must first define a work package, which specifies the start node of the WBS, for the BOM positions to become part of the comparison. Then define the compare structure on the B.40.21 BOM Compare Structures screen.

Enter the structure name in the Structure field and descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields. You can assign an ident subset Where condition as a sub condition for all detail rows, by selecting a Where condition from the LOV in the Where Condition field. For more information see Where Conditions.

Furthermore, you can assign a customizable function from the m_pck_bc_custom CIP package by selecting it from the LOV in the CIP Name field. The LOV will only show functions if the spec and body of the CIP package is valid and the functions are entered on A.60.37. To check the available functions and their purpose, use the A.60.37 Customer CIPs/Forms/Reports screen. For more information see Customer-installed procedure (CIP) Tasks.

The assignment of a Where condition and CIP is optional.

In the second (BOM Compare Structure Details) block, you can define the criteria for the BOM compare job. Enter a number in the Qty No field. This number is used in the Formula field to refer to this record. For example, you have defined two work packages to compare two BOM structures, the first with Qty No = 10 and the second with Qty No = 11. To get the quantity differences, you must define the formula ‘#11 - #10’.

Next, select the column type from the dropdown list in the Column Type field. The available values are:




Work Package






CIP Function






Define the prompt for the BOM compare result quantity in the Prompt field. The prompt is free-format and a maximum of 15 characters long.

The Best Qty indicator is only used for the types Work Package and CIP Function. Select this indicator to compare the best quantity of the selected BOM structures. If the Best Qty check box is not selected and the type is Work Package or CIP Function, select the issue status from the LOV in the Issue Status field. Then select the list status from the LOV in the List Status field. For the Work Package type, select a pre-defined work package from the LOV in the Work Package field. For the CIP Function type, select a function from the LOV in the CIP Name field.

If the selected type is Formula, you must enter a formula in the Formula field. Valid parameters are the Qty Nos defined for the selected structure, less than the Qty No of this formula row (the Qty No used as a parameter must be less than the Qty No used for the formula). Use the Qty No with a # in front. For example, the formula could be defined as ‘#11 - #10’. When you save your formula, it will be checked. If the syntax is wrong, you see an error message. Select the Update Formula Results indicator if you want to update the result quantities by changing the ident substitution quantity on the B.40.23 BOM Compare Results screen.

If you have selected the Dispo type, you must select a disposition rule from the LOV in the Dispo Rule field. Disposition rules are pre-defined on the R.10.22 Disposition Rules screen.

The BOM compare jobs can be defined and run on the B.40.22 BOM Compare Jobs screen.

Enter the job name in the Job Code field and descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields. Select the pre-defined structure from the LOV in the Structure field. If the selected structure contains at least one record of type Dispo, you must select a disposition rule set from the LOV in the Dispo Rule Set field. Disposition rule sets are defined on the R.10.23 Disposition Rule Sets screen. Save the new job.

Click the Start Online button to launch the BOM compare job.

When the job is completed, you can click the View Online Log button to open A.60.72 displaying the log file of the job.

The results of a BOM compare job are displayed on the B.40.23 BOM Compare Results screen.

The second (BOM Compare Results) block shows the results of the compare job selected in the first block and the sum of substitution quantity for the combination of ident and unit. The block is ordered by commodity code and the sizes. You can re-order the block by ident code if you select the Sort by Ident Code check box.

The Select indicator is set by the m_pck_bc_custom.set_select CIP function. This CIP function is called for each ident, so the Select indicator can be used to show if the CIP function has processed/changed this record or not.

Click on the Quantities tab to display the quantities calculated by the compare job.

With a double-click in any field of the second (BOM Compare Results) block, you open the B.40.24 BOM Compare Ident Trace screen.

In the first (BOM Compare Results) block, the information for the selected idents is displayed. You can click on the Quantities tab to show the quantities calculated by the job.

In the second (BOM Compare Traces) block, the BOM positions are listed with the entire node path in the BOM Path field, the position number in the List Pos field, and the quantity in the Quantity field. The Source Type field shows which work package or CIP has found this position.

In the third (Ident Substitution) block, you can further substitute quantities to another ident. Select the ident to be substituted and enter the quantity you want to substitute in the Subst QTY field.

Select the substitution ident from the LOV, either in the From Ident field or in the To Ident field. Then click the Substitute button to create the substitution and to save it to the substitution table. The result is displayed in the picture above.

If the ident was entered in the From Ident field, the entered substitution quantity will be added to the (source) ident selected in the second block and subtracted from the substitution ident. These quantities are stored in the substitution table for both idents.