Node Properties and Attributes - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

This section on the right shows the property values and the attribute values of a WBS node selected in the tree view or in the flat view section. The node properties and attribute values can only be updated for unlocked nodes of the login discipline. On the first (Property) tab, the properties of the selected node are displayed.

The node name in the Name field and the descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields can be modified. The name is displayed in red if the node is locked or if the node is not assigned to the login discipline. The Path field shows the entire path of the selected node, and the Node Type field shows the type of the selected node. In the Generated Name field, the name of the selected node, generated by the user defined description rule assigned to the node type, is displayed. The path, node type, and the generated name cannot be changed.

In the Preassigned Status field, you can assign the issue status at the node level to make sure that all sub-nodes and positions will get the same issue status. Once an issue status is assigned at node level, the following will happen:

  • All the sub-nodes of the selected node will get the same issue status assigned.

  • The existing manual positions for the node and its sub-nodes will get copied with the assigned issue status at the node level.

It will not be possible to assign the issue status at the node level if:

  • The existing manual positions of the node and its sub-nodes have a higher issue status than the one assigned to the node.

  • One or more of the existing manual positions of the node and its sub-nodes have a reserved quantity or issued quantity greater than 0 (zero) or are assigned to un-posted MIRs.

Select an issue status from the LOV, save the change, and the associated sequence will be shown in the Order Seq field. The message below will appear.

Click Continue to populate all sub-nodes and positions with the selected issue status.

If you add a new sub-node, the pre-assigned status from the parent node is automatically assigned to the sub-node. When creating a new BOM position at a node with a pre-assigned issue status, this status will automatically be copied to the position and cannot be changed there.

You can use the Next Issue Status button to assign the issue status with the next order seq to the selected node. Click Yes to continue.

When there is no higher issue status defined, a message appears, asking you if the new status should be created.

The software will create a new issue status starting with AUTO and followed by the Order Seq. The new Order Seq is calculated as the old highest order seq + 1. An example is displayed below.

The structure quantity of the node is shown in the QTY Factor field; by default, it is set to 1. The revision values are displayed in the Rev1 and Rev2 fields and cannot be changed.

If the selected node was locked, the Released indicator is checked and the Unrelease button enabled. You can use this button to remove the lock.

Click the Attribute tab to display the node attributes.

The node attributes assigned to the node type on B.10.03 and the node attributes propagated from parent nodes are displayed. If the attribute was defined with a list of values on A.50.01, you can use the LOV in the Value field to enter or update the value.