ZP_IRCAPRQ - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.2)

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This project default specifies whether the approval of an IRC is required.

Depending on the setting of this project default, data can be changed at any point in time and by every user or not on the Inspection and Shipping Releases tab on the Expediting screen, or on the IRCs tab on P.70.72 in classic.

If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to N (default), data can be changed at any time by any user. An approval of the IRC is not required to continue the workflow, that is, to place an item shipment on a release note.

If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y, only users that have been assigned to the current order as inspector (on P.70.73) can create and modify IRCs as long as the Ready for Approval indicator has not been set.

Once the IRC has been marked as ready for approval, no one can apply changes to the IRC. In the next step, the IRC must be approved by clicking the corresponding button. This can only be done by users having the IRC APPROVAL privilege.

After an IRC has been approved, only users that have been assigned to the current order as expediter (again on P.70.73) can modify the IRC. Moreover, the item shipments of an approved IRC can then be placed on a release note.

If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to T, the behaviour is the same as if it is set to Y. Additionally, on the IRC approval, emails are sent to the project traffic coordinators to notify them, that they can create release notes.

  • Module(s) affected by this setting: Expediting, P7072

  • Default value: N

  • List of Values: N/T/Y