Distribution Categories - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

With distribution categories, you can define mailing lists with the recipients of emails sent by the application. Distribution categories are defined on the A.10.52 Distribution Categories screen.

In the first (Distribution Categories) block, you define the distribution categories with a name entered in the Distribution Category field and the description entered in the Short Desc and Description fields. The Master check box can only be selected for one distribution category per project. This box indicates that the distribution category is the master with respect to the Reviewer field in the distribution category details. Whenever the reviewer of the master is updated, this value is copied over to ALL distribution categories of the current project with the same email. If data are copied from another project, either by copying the procurement setup or by clicking the Copy button at the top of this screen, the reviewer is NOT copied over from the source project but from the master distribution category of the current (= target) project.

The Copy button can be used to copy distribution categories from another project to the login project.

In the second (Distribution Category Details) block, the recipients for the email are defined and assigned to the selected distribution category. To add users to a category, use the LOV on the Email field to open Window 2 as shown in the picture below.

This window shows the users defined on A.20.05 with last name, first name, and email. Only the users that are not yet assigned to the selected distribution category are displayed. Select the Sel check box for the users you want to add to the category and click the Fill In button to insert the selected users into window 1. You can use the Select All button to select all displayed records and the Deselect All button to clear the current selection. Click the Return button to close Window 2 and to go back to Window 1.

You can change the copied values, and you can enter new email recipients manually without creating users on A.20.05. To create a record manually, enter the email address, first name, and last name into the appropriate fields.

The selected Zip Attachments check box indicates if the attachments of an email sent to this user will be zipped. Use the Detail Comment field to add information for the user.

The name of the reviewer appears in the Reviewer field. The information that is shown depends on the value that the CIP m_pck_vdr_custom.get_reviewer returns per distribution category detail. In a standard installation, this function returns a NULL (empty) value. Read the description of the Master check box above for further information about the reviewer. If no distribution category of the project is marked as master, the Reviewer field remains empty. There is no further functionality or workflow behind this field. It has been introduced in the context of the P.70.81 screen. If a VDR document needs to be reviewed, you can enter the people responsible for this review here. By assigning a distribution category to a VDR and by double-clicking on the corresponding field on the P.70.81 screen, you can view and maintain the reviewers.