Unit Systems - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

Geometric and specification data are unit system dependent. For example, say project A is a metric driven project, which uses metric units like meters, and project B is an imperial driven project, which uses imperial units like inches. To allow both projects to use the same material (idents), the unit systems must be defined and assigned to the geometrics, specifications, and so forth. Furthermore, the unit systems must be assigned to the appropriate units. The most common unit systems are METRIC and IMPERIAL.

Unit systems are defined on the A.10.06 Unit Systems screen.

To define a unit system, enter the unit system name in the Unit System field and descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields. Select the appropriate type from the drop-down list in the Unit System Type field. The available values are IMPERIAL, METRIC, and OTHER.

The unit system must be assigned to geometric details on the S.40.1x and S.50.2x screens, to specifications on S.50.06, and to the project default ZX_UNITSYS.