Place a generic component - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Isogen Version
Smart Isometrics Version
2019 R1 (7.1)
Spoolgen Version
2019 R1 (9.1)

When you place a component, or one is implied through routing, it is placed as a generic component unless there is a default choice in the specification or it is the only available component in the specification.

When needed, you can override the automatic assignment of an item code from the specification by placing a generic component or by making a regular component generic. Both options require that you manually assign an item code.

You must define dimensions for all generic components before they are output on the isometric drawing. See Define generic component properties.

  1. Select Place > Place as Generic Command PlaceGeneric.

  2. On the Place toolbar, select the required component type.

  3. Place the component in the appropriate location on the pipe.

    The components displays as blue in the sketch. Blue is the default sketch color for generic items, meaning its dimensions are still undefined.

  • While the Place as Generic command is active, you can place any component as a generic component. To stop placing generic components, re-select the Place as Generic command to return to the place mode.

  • You can right-click a previously placed component and select Make Component Generic to override its assigned item code.

  • You define sketch colors using the Colors tab on the Options dialog box. For more information, see Change the color of sketch status.