Update the model with piping specification changes - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Isogen Version
Smart Isometrics Version
2019 R1 (7.1)
Spoolgen Version
2019 R1 (9.1)

You can update the pipeline model with specification changes in interactive mode or in batch mode. Interactive mode synchronizes only the pipeline model in the currently opened file. Batch mode updates several piping files simultaneously.

Interactive Mode

  1. Open the pipeline model, and select File > Synchronise Specification Command to display the Synchronise Specification Dialog. The dialog lists those components that are out-of-sync with the active material specification. In the example, dimensional data for all the listed components has been modified in the active specification, as indicated by Changed appearing in the Dimension column. In addition to changes in their dimensional data, the valve components have had some of their property data modified as well.

  2. Select Update.

    The software updates those components that display True in the Update Possible column. A component that displays False in the Update Possible column cannot be updated and is considered out-of-spec. During synchronization, any out-of-spec component is replaced with a generic component. In the example above, the two elbow components that display False in the Update Possible column are replaced with generic components, as indicated by the default blue color in the example below.

Batch Mode

  1. Select File > Batch Synchronise Specification Command to display the Open dialog.

  2. Locate and select the piping object data files to synchronize with the material specification, and then select Open.

    The software begins the batch synchronization process, updates the components to match the material specification, and writes the results to a log file, which is stored in the Temp folder.

  3. Select Yes in the message box to view the log file.

    The software opens the log file using your default text editor.

  • A component typically becomes out-of-spec when the pipeline cannot accommodate dimensional changes to a component.

  • Because no catalog information exists for a generic component, you must manually define its properties, including setting the dimension and end connection type. See Define generic component properties.