Add Smart Documents - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version
  1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General project provided with Smart Interop Publisher.
    Select a project you created from the Projects list. See Organize Your Work with Projects.

  2. Click the Smart Documents tab.

  3. On the Smart Documents View, click Add to select the Smart Document graphics file. To add multiple Smart Documents, select the folder containing the Smart Documents. Make sure the graphics and associated data files are in the same folder location.
    Right-click in the Smart Documents View, and then select Add.

    For Isogen data files, Smart Interop Publisher can automatically correlate 2D and 3D data from provided source files. See Publish Isogen Smart Documents.