SmartPlant P&ID options - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version


Specifies the PIDComponent.xml file associated to the source .pid file. This file provides property definitions that Smart Interop Publisher uses to decipher the contents of the SmartPlant P&ID files. Smart Interop Publisher and SmartPlant P&ID provide a PIDComponent.xml file that can be copied and edited. By default, Smart Interop Publisher looks for this file in the source file location. If the file is not there, the software looks in the Smart Interop Publisher installation folder. Set the location of the PIDComponent.xml file edited for the associated .pid source file.

Relationship Mapping

Specifies the RelationshipMapping.txt file you use to filter out any component relationships from SmartPlant P&ID source files that are not required when opening the resulting Smart Model in the target applications. Smart Interop Publisher provides a RelationshipMapping.txt file that can be copied and edited. By default, Smart Interop Publisher looks for this file in the source file location. If the file is not there, the software looks in the Smart Interop Publisher installation folder.

Level Options

Allows you to define levels that are either ignored by Smart Interop Publisher or translated. Select the required option and then type the associated level names that contain the required graphical objects to be displayed.

Ignore levels

Specifies that Smart Interop Publisher ignores and does not translate objects contained in the level names listed under Levels.

Translate levels

Specifies that Smart Interop Publisher translates the objects in the level names listed under Levels.


Add the levels to either be ignored or translated.

  1. Select the level option.

  2. In New, click Add  .

  3. Type the new level name, and then click anywhere outside the box.

The level names cannot contain the tilde (~) character. Smart Interop Publisher uses this character as a delimiter.

Smart Interop Publisher adds the new level name to the list. The software lists the most recently-added level first.