Schedule a job - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

You can schedule a translation, compose, update, or publish operation to run once or at regular intervals. This section describes the scheduling options and provides the basic workflow.

  • Smart Interop Publisher requires Intergraph Batch Services version 2010 SP1 HF or later.

  • When scheduling jobs to run on a mapped network drive, you must use the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file path. This applies to all file locations such as the source file, Smart Model, and mapping files locations you must enter in Smart Model translation and project settings.

Schedule Options

Job Name

Specifies a name for the scheduled job.

Queue Name

Specifies the queue to which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, Smart Interop Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ. If the queue is not created, create a queue with that name.

Start Date

Specifies the day when the schedule starts. Enter the day, or click the Calendar to select a date.

Start Time

Specifies the time when the job runs. Enter the time, or click Time for an hourly selection.


Specifies the end date for a recurring job. End options are not applicable for a job scheduled to run once.


Schedules a job to run a certain number of times.

No End Date

Sets up a recurring job that runs indefinitely.


Specifies the frequency (Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) to run a job. Scheduling options specific to each frequency type display. For example, when Weekly is selected, the weekly occurrence time and each week day displays.

Set up the Scheduled Job

Access to the Schedule dialog depends on the operation type. For detailed steps on how to schedule each operation, see:

  1. On the Schedule dialog, type a Job Name.

  2. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, Smart Interop Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.

    To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running Smart Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must run Smart Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.

  3. Set the Start Date and Time to run the scheduled job.

  4. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
    Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

  5. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
    Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date and Time.
    Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.

  6. Click Schedule Job.

  7. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can edit or remove schedules from this view. See Edit Scheduled Jobs.