Review the delivered mapping files - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

Smart Interop Publisher delivers a set of format-specific default mapping files and corresponding custom mapping template files. The default installation folder for these files is [Install drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles.

In cases where there are duplicate unmapped properties, Smart Interop Publisher translates the file and appends an incremented number for each duplicated property. For example, a file containing a pipe that has unmapped properties "spec", "Spec", and "SPEC", Smart Interop Publisher translates the properties to "spec", "Spec1", and "SPEC2", respectively.

Default Mapping File

Maps the source classes and properties to those of the target applications. Default mapping files for many of the common authoring tools are available. You can use the mapping that is already defined in the default mapping files, or create your own custom file to work as an extension or supplement to the default mapping files. The default mapping files are read only and should not be modified.

Example: PDMSToR3DMapping.xls

Custom Mapping Template File

Provides the framework for entering additional classes and properties that are not mapped in the default mapping file. Smart Interop Publisher uses the custom template file and the corresponding default mapping file for translation. However, the custom template file takes precedence over the default mapping file so that you can overwrite any delivered default mappings.

Make a copy of the custom mapping template files you are using and place them in a different folder location. For your convenience, Smart Interop Publisher automatically creates a \3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content location that can contain your custom mapping files.

Generic Mapping Template File

Provides the framework for entering classes and properties for authoring tools not in the currently-supported list, but that can export source data files to a standard .drv format. Generic mapping capability extends support to a wider variety of authoring tools.

Make a copy of the generic mapping template file you modify and place it in a different folder location. For your convenience, Smart Interop Publisher automatically creates a \3DInteropMappingFiles\GenericMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content location that can contain your generic mapping files.

Level Mapping Template Files

Use levels to control the graphics being translated by specifying which levels contain the graphics in the resulting Smart Model .vue files. Use Smart Review to see the .vue files and turn on or off specific levels as you analyze the model. Levels currently apply to Smart Review standalone or opened in SmartPlant Foundation. The levels mapping file, shown below, resides in the custom and generic mapping folders created during Smart Interop Publisher installation.


Provides a list of all classes, interfaces, and properties that the target applications support. The Schema sheet provides the class-to-class and interface/property-to-interface/property mapping for Smart Review and Smart 3D. For SmartPlant Foundation, additional mapping is needed to map classes, interfaces, and properties from Smart Interop Publisher to SmartPlant Foundation, which is listed in the SPFMappings sheet. Use this file only as a reference when you are custom mapping. By default, this file is delivered in [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher.