Export to a .drv file format - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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You must export your model data to a .drv file in the Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence Atomized ASCII file format described below.

The format consists of a pds_file_type entry followed by any number of lbl entries. The pds_file_type entry allows you to identify that this label data originated in PDS. It is currently a required entry but the atoms are not used. For example:

pds_file_type {02 00}

The lbl entry consists of four integers followed by a text entry. The four integers (in decimal format) should match the DMRS linkage on some element in the corresponding design file. The text entry can consist of multiple lines of the form "Name: value". Each line in the text entry is treated as separate label data for that object. On each line, all characters up to and including the colon (:) are considered part of the name, the first non-white space character after the name up to the end of the line (excluding any trailing white space) is the value. If a colon is missing on a line, the first white space character is taken to be the divider between name and value. The body of the text entry cannot contain any embedded curly brackets { }.


lbl(0 5 21 8 text {Comp no: PAAAAAWAAA
NPD: 6" 6"
Sch/thk: S-STD S-STD
Length: 186
Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-P

Object type: Piping Component
Construction status:
Nor oper press: 100 psig
Nor oper temp: 60 degF
Steam out temp: 0 degF
Heat tracing: N
Insulation: 1 "
Cleaning: }}

Because curly brackets '{}' are considered as special characters, you must use &lcb to represent the left curly brace and &rcb; for the right curly brace. For example:

Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-{P}

Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-&lcb;P&rcb;

This example has label names such as Comp no:, Nor oper press:, Insulation:, and so on, with corresponding values of PAAAAAWAAA, 100 psig, 1". The Construction status: and Cleaning: names have empty values.

When you have exported your data to a .drv file format, you must use the GenerateMapping tool to create the mapping and schema files for Smart Interop Publisher. Continue to the section, Use the GenerateMapping tool.