Create a project - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version
  1. Click Projects.

    SHARED Tip Smart Interop Publisher provides a default project called [site database name]_General that can be used if you do not require a custom project. The General project can be automatically created when you configure your site database and select the Create default project (new site only) option.

  2. Click the Create a New Project Command .
    Right-click in the grid, and then click Create.

  3. In the SQL Server Name box, select the SQL Server instance name you created for Smart Interop Publisher.

    You can also use a site database on a remote system. See Configure a site database,

  4. Type the project name. Use the list to see all projects contained in the current SQL Server instance.

    Smart Interop Publisher checks the name and displays a message indicating if the name is already in use.

    • The .mdf file name and the project name that display in Smart Interop Publisher are not required to be identical.

    • Project names are not case-sensitive.

    • Each project name must be unique.

    • The following characters cannot be used in a project name:

      • Plus (+)

      • Minus (-)

      • Period (.)

      • Comma (,)

      • Question mark (?)

      • Quotation mark (")

      • Greater than (>)

      • Less than (<)

      • Pipe or bar (|)

      • Forward slash (/)

      • Back slash (\)

      • Asterisk (*)

      • Colon (:)

      • Semicolon (;)

      • Caret (^)

      • Percent (%)

      • Dollar sign ($)

    • Project names cannot start with a number.

    • Do not insert spaces in the project name.

    • Project names cannot be longer than 21 characters.

  5. Use the default SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname locations (recommended). SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname become read-only.
    Clear Use the SQL Server default locations for data and log files, and then type or browse to data and log file locations.

    • After you create a database, you cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Log File Pathname locations.

    • If you are creating a project or site connected to a remote SQL Server instance, you cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Log File Pathname locations.

      Smart Interop Publisher stores the project database file in the selected SQL Server data location.

  6. For Shared Content Location, type or browse to a folder in which copies of the application support files such as SPIOPToolMap.xml can be stored.

    The software creates subfolders under your shared content location to organize all of your work for the selected project.

    Unless you specify a location, Smart Interop Publisher uses the shared content location and its subfolders for default location settings.

  7. Click Create.

    The new project displays in the Projects View.

  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each new project.

  9. (Optional) To change general default behaviors and file locations, right-click on the project in the grid, and then click the Project Settings Command.

  10. (Optional) To create or change settings groups that contain translation settings for Smart Model data and graphics, right-click on the project in the grid, and then click the Translation Settings Command.

You can now add and translate your source files for your project. To add object data and properties not provided in the default mapping files for translation, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display.

See Also

Create and Manage Smart Models
Create and Manage Smart Drawings