Upgrade Project Database Dialog - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

Upgrades a selected project to the currently-installed version of Smart Interop Publisher and display only if a project has not been upgraded. You cannot use the project or any Smart Models and Smart Drawings in that project until you upgrade.

Upgrade site and project databases

Upgrades all your site and project databases on the current system.

Upgrade site database only

Upgrades only the site databases without upgrading the projects contained within the site. If you choose to use the projects at a later time, you must run the Upgrade Database Command in the Projects View.

Create Backup

Browse to a folder location to store the backup Make sure the user account under which the SQL Server service is running has write permissions to the folder. This can be confirmed by running Services on your system to see which account the service is running under.

Shared Content Location

Contains internal files used by the application to support projects.