Generate SAP Data from the Command Line - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation SAP Export Utility

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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You can generate the SAP data file by typing at the command line according to the following syntax:

<File path>\Sapsyn.exe <Path and name of SAP definition (.txt) file>, <profile name>

For example: E:\SAP\Bin\Sapsyn.exe c:\sap_SPI_data.txt, sap_SPI_data

  • You can use single quotes (') or double quotes (") to enclose the parameter values.

  • You do not need to include the application name if you are only working with one of the applications supported by the SAP wizard.

  • You do not need to include the plant name unless you want to export data from a plant other than the currently active plant.