Interface to Distributed Environment Application Layer (IDEAL) - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation IDEAL

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Smart Instrumentation Version
2018 (12.0)

The Interface to Distributed Environment Application Layer (IDEAL) is a set of components that are used to generate reports containing Intergraph Smart® Instrumentation data. IDEAL enables you to retrieve data and display it in a Web browser in a format appropriate for the report type. The software displays most reports in .pdf file format. You can display enhanced reports in .sma format using the Enhanced Report Utility.

You can retrieve data from all reports excluding the browser views. You can also select to display CAD-generated loop drawings from the list of available documents using command line parameters. These drawings are displayed using a document viewer associated with the drawing file extension.

In addition, using the Document Viewer Interface, you can display a list of tag numbers and documents for a selected loop or a list of documents for a selected instrument tag or panel-strip.

Before running IDEAL, you must configure Smart Instrumentation Server. For details, see the Smart Instrumentation Server and the Smart Instrumentation Client Installation Guides.

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Version 2018 (12)
Published 10/6/2023 at 1:46 PM