Working with Typical Loops and Instruments - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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A typical loop is a set of user-defined loop properties that you can use as a template for creating loops and instruments. You can create new loops based on typical loops singly or in batch mode. The properties defined in typical loops include a loop measured variable, loop type, loop function, and so on.

A typical instrument is a template of an instrument that is used for the creation of instruments in your plant. You can set instrument tag number properties for a typical instrument. For example, you can define service, location, I/O type, and so on.

You can create as many typical loops as required and use them to create loops in batch mode. Typical loops with associated typical instruments can be very useful when you need to create numerous loops based on the same loop template.

You can view all the typical loops you have created in the current domain. The list of typical loops is automatically updated after you create a new typical loop, or if you edit or duplicate existing loops.

This section contains the administrative procedures for typical loops and instruments, including creating, duplicating, editing, and deleting. These procedures are performed via the Reference Explorer.

  • Access rights for Typical Instruments are inherited from the Access Rights set in the Tag Definitions of the Unit the Typical Instruments are used in. Therefore the same Typical Instruments Tag can be used in multiple units with different access rights in different units.

  • When working with typical instrument properties, only the General, and the Custom Tables tabs are active and even then some of the fields in those tabs are disabled.