Copy Blocks to Tags of Other Loops Dialog - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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You use this dialog to copy blocks from all instrument tags of a specific loop to all instruments of one or more target loops. The software only copies those blocks that are assigned to the source loop instruments using the automatic block assignment method. In the Domain Explorer, these blocks are indicated with PPM All Outputs Graphic. You copy blocks at the <plant> level to loops belonging to different <units> of the current plant. The target loops must be assigned to the CAD generation method.

The software validates the instrument tag assignments and the drawing type of the target loops before copying the blocks. The following validation rules apply:

  • If the drawing type of some of the target loops does not match the source loop drawing type, the software skips these loops and add records in the log file.

  • If the source loop drawing is a multi-page drawing, the software validates the number of pages in the loop drawings of the target loops and assigns the blocks to the drawing pages according to their assignment in the source loops.

  • If a target loop has more than one tag belonging to the same instrument type and this instrument type is found in the source loop tag, the software skips this loop when copying the blocks.

  • If a target loop has one or more tags belonging to an instrument type that is not found in the source loop, the software skips this loop when copying the blocks.

Source loop number

Displays the loop number you selected in the Domain Explorer.

Find target loop

Allows you to type the name of a specific loop and find it in the Target loop number pane.

Target loop number

Displays all the target loop numbers available in the current <plant>. The software displays only those loops that you assigned to the CAD generation method in the Domain Explorer.

Select all

Selects all the target loop numbers.


Validates target loops before copying blocks and records problematic loops and problem descriptions in the copy_block.txt log file. The software creates the log file in the temporary folder path of Smart Instrumentation. After the validation, you are prompted you to start copying the blocks. When prompted, you can select Yes to start copying the blocks, skip problematic loops automatically and then review the skipped loops and validation problem descriptions in the log file. If you select No, you can still view the validation problems in the log file. The software overwrites the log file each time you select OK. If you delete the file, the software re-creates it the next time you validate the target loop selection.