Requirements for Customized Report Title Blocks - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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You can customize a title block for reports in InfoMaker. In either application, the custom title block must meet several standard requirements. The title block must be compatible with the report it is associated with. Therefore, make sure that the customization process accurately fits the Smart Instrumentation customizing conventions as specified in the following topic.

The following list outlines mandatory and optional InfoMaker requirements:

Report type

When creating a new report set the report type to be External (mandatory).

Report style

Set the report style to be Tabular (mandatory).

Field prompt

When prompted to set the required fields for a title block, type any text in the appropriate field. There is no significance to inserting any particular field name as long as something is typed (mandatory).


The title block customization must be performed in the Detail group (mandatory).


Make sure that you create the title block in the Band layer (the default – mandatory).


The frame of the title block consists of four lines. Make sure that each line has its own unique name typed in small caps as follows:

Upper side


Lower side


Left side


Right side


When adding other design- related items, such as internal lines, text boxes, and so forth, to the title block, make sure that the names of the new items contain the tb segment. For example, if you want to add a new line, name the line as < Line> _tb_< 1>. This is required to distinguish between items that belong to the title block and items that belong to the rest of the report outside the title block.

Field type

select any field type other than Column (mandatory).


Make sure that you have a number 1 revision field. For instance, a title block with solely a revision no. 2, would not apply.

Report measurement units

The units of measure of the customized title block must be compatible with the units of measure of the report it is associated with. All the reports were created in inches except for the following, which use PowerBuilder units:

  • All the calculation reports

  • The Segment map report


Smart Instrumentation created an inventory of macros available for the custom title block fields. From this inventory you can select the fields that serve your purposes most. Each field and macro has its unique name (this is the name to insert in the name field when creating the item in InfoMaker) as shown in the tables below.

  • Macros retrieve the data and enter it to the fields. For these macros to function properly, you must insert the macro name accurately according to the macro tables below.

  • You can implement custom title blocks that for macros custom_1 through custom_5 display field values without labels, for example, DCS-1 instead of Panel DCS-1. To enable this option, make sure that the [Custom] section of the intools.ini file includes the line 'RemoveFixedTextFromTB=1'.

Table includes Text type fields only:

Field Name

Field Description


Report name

custom_2 - custom_5

Item names or other data used in reports or drawings. For example, in a panel-strip report, custom_2 is used to display the panel name, custom_3 is used to display the strip name, and custom_5 is used to display the domain name. All values that the software can retrieve for these macros are hard coded. This means that even if you use all the custom fields, in the title block, fields that do not have any associated hard coded data appear empty.


Project name (owner operator domain)


Project header (owner operator domain)


Domain name


Project number (owner operator domain)


City name


<Plant> owner.


Location name


Plant hierarchy defined by the Domain Administrator. The default plant hierarchy is Plant\Area\Unit. The Domain Administrator has rights to change the number of plant hierarchy levels and customize the level names.


The name of a specific item in the plant hierarchy, where the segment X defines the plant hierarchy level number. For example, suppose that your plant hierarchy is Plant\Area\Unit, and on the Unit level, you have an item name Crude. To display Crude in the title block, you need to substitute the segment X with the number 3.


The name of the item on the highest plant hierarchy level (the default highest level is Plant).


Address 1 of the highest plant hierarchy level item


Address 2 of the highest plant hierarchy level item


Country of the highest plant hierarchy level item


State of the highest plant hierarchy level item


ZIP code of the highest plant hierarchy level item


The name of the item on the intermediate level of the plant hierarchy (the default intermediate level is Area). If the plant hierarchy has more than three levels, the macro area_name retrieves the name of the lowest intermediate level that is one level above the lowest level of the plant hierarchy.


The name of the item on the lowest level of the plant hierarchy (the default lowest level is Unit).


A custom field value associated with a specific plant hierarchy item.  The segment y retrieves the number of the custom field (the Domain Administrator can define up to twenty custom field values for each plant hierarchy item). The segment x retrieves the number of the level to which the plant hierarchy item belongs.


Custom fields associated with a plant hierarchy item are regular text fields and behave as any other custom fields that are available in Smart Instrumentation for specific items.


The header of a custom field associated with a specific plant hierarchy item. The segments y and x correspond to the segments in the macro hierarchy_udf_y_x. The segment t indicates the header.


Document number


Last revision

rev_no_1 - rev_no_9

Revision number 1 (mandatory field)

rev_udf_cXX_1 - rev_udf_cXX_9

Revision custom fields (for more details, see below)

create_by_1 - create_by_9

Created by

date_1 - date_9

The date on which the revision was created

chk_by_1 - chk_by _9

The name or initials of the person who checked the revision

appr_by_1 - appr_by _9

The name or initials of the person authorized to approve the revision

sign_by_1 - sign_by _9

The name or initials of the person authorized to sign the revision. This macro appears in one of the following title block files that come shipped with Smart Instrumentation: default tb with in units.psr or default tb with pb units.psr.

desc_1 - desc_9

Revision description

The following table includes Computed type fields only:

Field name

Field description



Current sheet



Total sheets



Logo name

bitmap ( F_GetProfString ( "intools.ini", "Project", "LogoPath", " ") + "projlogo.bmp" )

Revision custom fields

You can define your own fields and related macros in addition to those in the inventory of macros (designated for fields) that are supplies with Smart Instrumentation. You can add up to 20 revision custom fields per title block. Inserting the right name in the field name box is necessary for the proper function of the field in the title block. The naming convention for the revision custom fields is as specified in the following table:




Data field


Second data field under the same header


Header 2 (another UDF)


The data in the field (2)

Document custom fields

Using these fields you can have a record of the documents that were related to a certain report. These are fields that you define under the following limitation: each custom field must have only two fields, one for the header and one for the data. This is the naming convention for these fields:




Data field


Header 2 (another custom field)


Data field (2)