Using the Command Line Interface with the Date Integrity Checker - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Data Integrity Checker Utility

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Instrumentation Version
2016 SP1 (11.0.1)

You can run the Data Integrity Checker Utility using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Remember the following when running the Data Integrity Checker Utility using the CLI.

  • Smart Instrumentation must be installed on your computer

  • The CLI commands file must be located in the same folder as the Data Integrity Checker Utility

  • The Data Integrity Checker Utility CLI help can be accessed by typing the command; DataIntegrityCLI ?

The available commands are:


Performs a check on the specified Domain and produces a report as an Excel file.

Example: DataIntegrityCLI check,MyDomain1

When a specific domain name is required a comma (,) must separate the command from the domain.


Performs a check on all domains and produces a report as an Excel file.

Example: DataIntegrityCLI check-all

After running the Data Integrity Checker in silent mode, if you encounter problems, please send the generated Excel file to Customer Support at Smart Community