After selecting a site and plant for the target, select an application from the APPLICATIONS tab, and do the following:
Click the SOURCE button and in the Choose Source window, under Source Type, select Package.
Select a site from the Site list and a package from the Package list, and then click OK.
If selecting a package with a path and name that exceeds 260 characters, you must enable long path names on your machine for comparison to succeed. For details, see Enable long file paths.
Wait for the message indicating that the comparison source loaded successfully, and then click the COMPARE button.
Any data changes made since the previous time the data was loaded will not be included in the comparison results; therefore a confirmation prompt appears. Click YES to continue with the comparison or click NO to remain on the current page from where you can reload the data and then compare all the changes including the latest ones.
Click an entity from the list of either Plant Level or Application Level entities that is marked with a colored circle beside it, and then click the COMPARE button.
Click Reports to see the comparison results.
To view errors, do the following:
From the list box, select Errors:
View the errors column (highlighted with a red bar), and double-click a cell with an error to open the DETAILS window pane.
In the DETAILS pane, click , to read further information in the ERROR DETAILS section.
If the same row includes a change as well as an error, the error must be handled first. The SYNC command will not work until the error is resolved.
The COMPARE button is not available until the source and target entities have finished loading.
If no difference is found between the source and target data of a selected entity, messages appear in the source and target panes.
On completion of the comparison, you can generate reports. Two report types are available after comparison:
Comparison Results
Comparison Errors
To generate a comparison report, click REPORTS, and from the Choose Report window select the required report type. For more details, see Generating Reports.