The automatic mapping option allows you to preview source and target entities that were selected for loading and are to be mapped according to predefined criteria. When performing automatic mapping, you can choose to preview all the mapped entities, or you can select specific entities to preview.
From the Filter list, select Unmapped.
Use the Search data box and column filters to narrow the list of entities that appear in the Source and Target panes for mapping.
If an entity you select for automatic mapping has a dependency on another unmapped entity, you must also select the unmapped entity to ensure that both entities will be mapped automatically.
Use the column sort options to order the data by preferred columns.
When using the column filters for mapping, the list of entities is coordinated between the display in both the Source and Target panes, regardless of the pane in which the filtering was done.
At the top right of the Target pane, select and then select Preview Automatic Mapping.
From the Filter list, select Mapped.
In the Preview mode, entities to be mapped automatically are shown in bold font, for example: