Choose a different plant as the target - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 4.0 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager Web Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart Engineering Manager Web Version
  1. With your plant selected, from the sidebar at the left, click Reference Data Sync.

  2. In the Choose Target window, select a site, plant, and application.

    If you click the CLOSE command before selecting items in all the fields, the Reference Data Sync page appears as follows:

    To return to the the Choose Target window, click the TARGET button.

    After selecting the target, the Reference Data Sync page displays the selected application at the top, and the site and plant appear on the Target pane.

The Choose Target list includes Smart Instrumentation sites. Since Smart Instrumentation is currently not supported in Reference Data Sync, those sites are disabled for selection and appear in gray.