To configure SEM Web API for authentication with Smart API Manager (SAM), you must run AuthenticationConfiguartion.psi in PowerShell using parameters shown in the example script below.
PowerShell must be run in Administration mode.
Values shown in italics should be replaced by your own values.
The script registers a Smart API for the SEM Web API and updates the application configuration files with a new Service ID.
You must be a SAM Admin user with configuration permissions for the authentication server.
powershell.exe -file "[path]\PostInstallation\AuthenticationConfiguration.ps1" -installationType "SEM_WebAPI" -oauthIssuerUrl "" -username "SemAdmin" -password "MyAdmin123" -client_id "10AABBCC-1234-5678-9ABC-DEF123456789" -client_secret "MyClientSecret123" -serviceDescriptionUrl "https://MyServerDomain/Mywebapi5.0.1/sem/v4/description" -Verbose
Parameter |
Description |
oauthIssuerUrl |
URL of the SAM Authentication Server |
username |
Name of the registered Admin user for logging in to the Authentication Server. This user must belong to the System Administrators group. |
password |
Password of the registered Admin user |
client_id |
The Id of the Smart Client (application) that consumes the Smart APIs, for example: Postman, Power BI. Required for obtaining an authentication token. For additional information, see Smart Clients. |
client_secret |
Parameter generated for the Smart Client when it is registered. Depending on the authorization flow, may be required for obtaining an authentication token. For additional information, see Smart Clients. |
serviceDescriptionUrl |
Required Url for requesting the Smart API service description in Postman |