This request allows you to view all the packages in a given site backup location. Packages are created when you run the following requests:
Use the GET method to view packages with the following input:
Service Root URI: https://<Server Name>/<IIS Application Name>/sem/v3
Resource path: /Sites('<Site Name>')/Packages
Resource path strings are case-sensitive.
Sample URI
Sample JSON response
A typical response to the request is:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Sites('WebAPISite01')/Packages",
"value": [
"@odata.mediaContentType": "application/octet-stream",
"Id": : "PIDPackageof_WebAPIPlant_01",
"ConcurrencyToken": null,
"DisplayName": "PIDPackageof_WebAPIPlant_01",
"PackageType": "RDSM",
"DateCreated": "2018-11-18T08:58:11Z",
"SiteName": "WebAPISite01",
"PlantName": "WebAPIPlant01",
"Applications": [
"WebApiVersion": "2.0.62"