This request allows you to update the site administrator groups and the plant structure roles to reflect changes made to the Microsoft user groups upon which the group or role is based, or changes made to the access rights for a role.
Use the POST method to refresh a user list with the following input:
Service Root URI: https://<Server Name>/<IIS Application Name>/sem/v3
Resource path: /Sites('<Site Name>')/Plants('<Plant Name>')/Com.Ingr.Sem.V2.RefreshUsers/
Resource path strings are case-sensitive.
The backslash at the end of the resource path is mandatory.
Sample URI
Sample JSON request
The role Id values can be obtained by running the View roles request. In the request below, the users in two roles are to be refreshed.
"Id": [ "09291FE18A944572A5781CBE1B5754E2", "29715330B28649DDB3029D33259EDF3B"]
Sample JSON response
A typical response to the request is:
"@odata.context": "https://localhost/sem-webapi/sem/v3/$metadata#Com.Ingr.Sem.V2.RefreshUsersResult",
"RoleId": "09291FE18A944572A5781CBE1B5754E2",
"RoleName": " Users",
"IsRefreshed": true
"RoleId": "29715330B28649DDB3029D33259EDF3B",
"RoleName": "",
"IsRefreshed": true
In the above example, both roles were refreshed, as shown by the status of the 'IsRefreshed' parameter as 'true' for each role.