Introduction to Intergraph Smart® Engineering Manager Web API - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 3.0.3 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager Web API Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Customization & Programming
Smart Engineering Manager Web Version

Intergraph Smart® Engineering Manager Web API provides a web interface to access Smart Engineering Manager's legacy data (including metadata), using OData V4.0 RESTful APIs. This version supports requests made to the database and methods that allow you to expose the resources that you are interested in and to perform common administrative activities.

This guide provides examples of requests to the metadata using JSON format. For a detailed explanation of the commands supported by the OData protocol, see OData Webpage. In this guide, we use Postman REST client to send requests and display screen shots of response payload examples from Postman.

The information in the screen captures and some of the examples used in this document may be different from the values you enter in Postman; for example, the Smart Engineering Manager Web API version number. When creating requests, use the current version number for the software. The version number is configurable in the web.config configuration file.

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Version 3.0.3
Published 10/28/2024 at 10:12 AM