Set up the SIO data map file - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 11 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Electrical Integration with HxGN SDx2

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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The Intergraph Smart Electrical SIO map file SPELSioDataMap.xml is in the [Product Installation Folder]\Bin folder. This must also be accessible and shared by the Intergraph Smart Electrical Share Service. To view the file's location, go to the SmartPlant resource path on the Locations page of the Options Manager utility.

Handling Schema Changes

When schema changes occur, the latest tool schema version will only progresses to the succeeding version number if the corresponding tool schema is in sync with HxGN SDx2. The file that monitors the version numbers is the SPELSIODataMap _11.00.00.xml file, which is in the [Product Installation Folder]\Bin folder.

The naming convention for the tool schema file is marked with a suffix that indicates the version of the previous schema released. The naming convention follows the format 'ToolNameMapFile_VersionNumber', for example: SPELSIODataMap _11.00.00.