Reshare a Plant Group to HxGN SDx2 - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 11 Update 1 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Electrical Integration with HxGN SDx2

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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  1. Select Window > New > Engineering Data Editor from the Intergraph Smart Electrical menu bar.

  2. Select Push Plant Group from the Item Type list in the Edit View dialog.

  3. Select Default Push Plant Group from the Layout list, and then select OK.

  4. In the Engineering Data Editor dialog, select a row displaying either an Area, or a Unit, or a Plant. View that their status in the Reshare column is set to False.

  5. Select Integration > Reshare Selected Items from the Intergraph Smart Electrical menu bar, or right-click and select Reshare Selected Items.

    After the reshare process completes, the software changes the status in the Engineering Data Editor dialog under the Reshare column to True. After the Schematic Scheduler runs, the time under the Last Publish Time column is updated, and the status under the Reshare column returns to False.