Configure the Server tab - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 11 Update 1 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Electrical Integration with HxGN SDx2

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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Specify the following parameters for the server on which you are running the Intergraph Smart Electrical Share Service.

  1. Select the Server tab.

  2. From the Refresh Scheduler section, choose the frequency from the Schedule box, as follows:

    • Select Monthly, and then select a number from the Time box.

    • Select Weekly, and then select a day from Day box and a number from the Time box.

    • Select Daily, and then select a number from the Time box.

    Selecting None disables the refresh schedule.

  3. From the Share Configuration section, select a number from the Max Number of Parallel Processes box.

    The value you enter must not exceed the maximum number of core processors available on the server. To maintain optimal server performance, consider a plant for each process. In addition, take into account the value you enter in the Data Chunk size and Document Chunk size boxes, as well as the value in the Max Number of Parallel Processes per Plant box.

  4. Select a number from the Max Number of Parallel Batches box.

    The number of simultaneous batches that comprise web requests, which can be sent to the HxGN SDx2 server.

  5. Enter a number for the Max Number of Parallel Processes per Plant box.

    The number of simultaneous parts that a Plant scope (of documents and/or of Plant data) can process.

  6. Enter a number for the Max Batch Size box.

    Determines the size of batch, based on the Document/Data Chunk sizes.

  7. Enter a number for the Document Chunk Size box.

    Determines the number of documents to be published.

  8. Enter a number for the Data Chunk Size box.

    Determines the number of plant items to be published.

  9. Select Save.