Typical Cable Block Diagrams - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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You can create typical cable block diagrams in the Reference Data Explorer. You can use typical CBDs as a basis for your graphical design. Creating typical CBDs that contain a number of typical electrical items that have predefined associations and definitions can be very helpful when creating new CBDs in your plant. You can create a number of different typical CBDs that cover the most frequently used scenarios in your plant. You can then drag a predefined typical CBD to the Cable Block Diagrams folder in the Electrical Index or create a new plant CBD based on an existing typical CBD. The software will then create a new plant CBD, create all the plant electrical items based on the selected typical CBD, and make all the associations among these items as they have been designed in the typical cable block diagram. The new plant CBD and all the newly created electrical items will then appear in the Electrical Index.

When opening an existing typical cable block diagram,

  • The software synchronizes the content of the typical CBD with the data in the Reference Data Explorer. That is, if for some reason, a reference item used in the typical CBD has been deleted from the Reference Data Explorer, this change is reflected in the typical cable block diagrams that contain that reference item.

  • The software synchronizes the properties of the typical items placed on the drawing with the properties of the reference items in the Reference Data Explorer. That is, if you change the properties of a reference item that has already been placed on a typical CBD, this change will also be reflected in all the typical CBDs where this item has been used.

  • The software synchronizes the typical local panels and junction boxes with the data in the Reference Data Explorer. That is, if for some reason, a circuit associated with a local panel or junction box used in the typical CBD has been deleted or a new circuit has been added, this change is reflected in the typical cable block diagrams that contain these reference items.

You design a typical CBD by dragging appropriate reference items to an open drawing. You can drag almost any reference item (cables, loads, circuits, and so forth) from the Reference Data Explore and create associations among them just like in a plant CBD. For details, see Create a Typical Cable Block Diagram.

The presentation of items in typical block diagrams is the same as in plant CBDs. To symbolize the placed items on the drawing, the software uses either a shipped symbol taken from the reference data (specified by you on the Locations page in Options Manager) or a custom symbol that you have associated with a specific item. If these images are not available in the specified folder, the software uses a default image taken from the shipped reference data. See Defining File Locations in the Smart Electrical Option Manager help.

The rules for placing items, making connections, removing items from a typical CBD, and so forth are the same as the ones for plant cable block diagrams. For details, see Working with Smart Data and Auxiliary Graphics in a CBD.