Create a CBD Based on a Typical Cable Block Diagram - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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This procedure explains how to create a plant cable block diagram (CBD) based on a typical CBD. The advantage of using this option is that you can automate the process of creating your plant electrical items using predefined typical items and associations. The software automatically creates a plant CBD, creates and places all the electrical items on the drawing, and sets all the existing associations among the electrical items as defined in the typical CBD. For details on how to create a typical CBD, see Create a Typical Cable Block Diagram.

  1. In the Electrical Index expand the Documents folder.

  2. Drag an appropriate typical CBD from the Reference Data Explorer to the Cable Block Diagrams folder in the Electrical Index. Alternatively, you can right-click the Cable Block Diagrams folder and select Create from Typical.

  3. If you used the right-click option, use the Find dialog to find an appropriate typical CBD that will serve as a basis for the new CBD and select OK.

  4. If the new plant CBD is based on a typical CBD that contains typical circuits, do the following:

    1. On the Create New Plant Circuits dialog (that opens automatically once you select or drag a typical CBD that contains typical circuits), select an appropriate plant PDB by selecting PPM All Outputs Graphic in the Plant PDB field.

      You do not need to select a plant PDB if you want to assign your new circuit to a free-standing bus.

    2. From the Plant Bus list, select an appropriate bus belonging to the selected plant PDB or select PPM All Outputs Graphic to select a free-standing bus.

      If you do not select a bus for a particular typical circuit listed in this dialog, the software will not create a plant circuit for that typical circuit.

    3. From the Plant Cell list, select an appropriate cell or create a new cell as you required. You can skip the cell assignment for the new plant circuit if needed.

      The software validates that the circuits created under a cell belong to the same circuit type.

    4. Select OK for the software to create new plant circuits and assign them according to the selections you just made.

  5. In the open CBD drawing, make any changes as required..

    SHARED Tip In addition to smart graphics, you can also add auxiliary graphics, redlining, and annotations to your CBD. See Working with Smart Data and Auxiliary Graphics in a CBD. After you save the drawing, the software retains all your additions and modifications.

  6. When done, select Save PPM All Outputs Graphic on the main toolbar before closing the drawing.