Edit Report Template Dialog - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Electrical Help

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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Displays a list of available report templates and opens the selected report template in Microsoft Excel so that you can make changes to it. Select Properties to view and update properties for a report template. This dialog opens when you select Reports > Edit on the main menu bar.


Type a string to search for one or more report templates. As you type, those report templates in the list with names that include the search string are displayed, as shown in the following example:

Available reports

Lists all report templates available to edit or customize. Select a template from the list.


Displays the selected template in Microsoft Excel.


Displays the Report Properties dialog where you can modify the description and the report template format.

You must have the correct privileges, granted in Smart Engineering Manager, to edit plant-level report templates.