Hide Cable Types - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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This procedure shows you how to hide (filter out) some of the cable types and use a display exclusion filter when working on a cable block diagram. Cable block diagrams can become very crowded, so by applying a filter you can hide those cables that you are not working with at that moment, allowing you to concentrate on the job at hand. You can use the filter to show only one cable type. For example, you can show only power cables, or show a combination of cables, such as control and instrumentation cables. Also, you can use a predefined filter to exclude certain cables from a CBD. The filter can be changed on the fly to show other cable type or to hide a particular cable type.

  1. In the Cable Block Diagrams folder, select the drawing you want to filter.

  2. Select Edit > Document Properties PPM All Outputs Graphic. Alternatively, you can right-click the document, and select Document Properties.

  3. Under Display cable types in cable block diagrams clear the check boxes beside those cables that you do not want to see.

  4. Under Exclusion filter, select (Ellipsis) to select a cable filter that will be used to hide the cables specified in the selected filter.

  • You can change the filter at any time by going to the Document Properties dialog and selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes.

  • You can instruct the software to display the filter settings notation in your cable block diagrams. For details, see Display a Filter Settings Notation in a CBD.