Configure Smart Search for component category - Intergraph Smart Construction - Hotfix 14 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Construction Help

Intergraph Smart Construction
Search by Category
Smart Construction Version
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can configure smart search to search properties for a component category. Configuring smart search for a component category is a two-step process: First, you configure the search criteria and then assign the values in the Configure Search Options section.

Configure search criteria

  1. In the Component Directory Configuration window, click on a component category thumbnail, and select Configure Smart Search.

  2. In the Configure Smart Search Criteria window, click Click here to add new item to add a new row.

    SHARED Tip Press ESC twice to come out of the row edit mode.

  3. Click Select Value <icon> to map to a criterion.

  4. Select a value in the Type box to populate the corresponding property list in the Property box.

    • Component - Select this to map this criteria to a component property. Select a component property from the Property box.

    • Property on related objects - Select this to map this criteria to the pre-configured related properties.

  5. Specify how you want the name to display in the Component Directory Smart Search in the Label column.

  6. Select a Type from the list to define the options of the criteria, such as Search, List of Values, and Boolean.

SHARED Tip In List of Values, you can also set a range as criteria value. For example, (a) 110F - 250F (b) 200F >< 450F, and so on if the criteria selected is Temperature.

Configure search options

The following table describes which Type should be selected to configure the required search options.

Select a Type

To do this


List of Values

Enter exact or ranged values. The values can be both string and numeric.

  1. If a criterion is of string type, any wildcard can be used as search value.

  2. If a criterion is of numeric type:

    1. Exact values such as 56, 2, 9, and so on, OR

    2. Values describing range such as '5-9', '<10', '>12', and so on can be used.

  3. If a criterion is of UOM(Unit of Measurement) type:

    1. exact values such as 56F, 10 cm, and so on, OR

    2. Values describing range such as '5F-9F', '<10F', '>12F', and so on can be used.


Enter 0 or 1.


Enter text to perform search based on the created criterion.


Enter exact or a date range.

  1. Exact date values such as ‘Today + 2 Days’, ’Today + 3 Weeks’, ‘Today - 3 Days’, ‘Today – 2 Weeks’, and so on can be used.

  2. Date range values such as ‘Today +/- 3 Days’, ’Today +/- 2 Weeks’, and so on can be used.