View the man hours summary for a CWP - Intergraph Smart Construction - Hotfix 14 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Construction
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can view the components' rollup information, grouped by the cost code, and use this to manage your construction project better.

The cost codes are associated to the components assigned to all IWPs under this CWP.

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How the value is calculated

Forecasted Man Hours

(Sum of the units of component using the cost code in the CWP) x (Cost code rate)

First, add the units of components using the same cost code in the CWP, and then multiply that number by the cost code rate.

The units of components is the amount or quantity of component required. The cost code rate is the number of man hours needed to complete one unit of measure (UoM) of work for a specific work step type.

Planned Man Hours

The sum of planned man hours of components using this cost code that are packaged in any IWP in the CWP.

Completed Man Hours

The sum of completed man hours of the components using this cost code that are packaged in any IWP in the CWP.