Structure of the workbook - Intergraph Smart Construction - 2019 (7.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Construction Help (2019)

Intergraph Smart Construction
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The workbook contains at least two tabs. Each tab defines different features of the rules of progress system.

Main tab

The Main tab is located on the first sheet of the workbook. It contains the Generate Configuration File button, which generates the XML file and saves it in the current ROP Configuration.xlsm file location when you check out the document.

Do not rename or remove the Generate Configuration File button. Do not modify or remove the code behind the button.

Rate table tabs

The worksheet contains rate tables where administrators can specify work steps, rates, and the sequence of work steps for a specific IWP purpose, component class, and component discipline.

Work steps are associated with components in IWPs that use the same component class and IWP purpose specified on the rate table tab, as well as the unit of measure value. The work step rate is configured below the work step header.

You can specify the work step name in the first row, the sequence number in the second row, and the IWP purpose in the third row. You can specify which work step is to consume the material by typing [Consumes material] in the row below the work step name. For more information, see Enable the Material Request Window and Report in Smart Construction.

The workbook delivers sample work steps and rates. Administrators can add more work steps to this tab to customize and personalize the work steps.

  • The first row must contain defined component class definitions, such as Piping or Piping Component. The row and its purpose should not be modified.

  • Lookup values cannot be modified, but they can be moved to different columns.

Column Header


Component Classes

These class definitions match class definitions of objects published to SmartPlant Foundation. Any component mapped to these class definitions use the values defined on the rate table worksheet. If using unpublished data, specify the class.

~[Property Definition]

Lookup value for a particular property definition.


The ~UOM specifies a unit of measurement, and it is used for lookup and matching in the rules of progress data. The ~UOM lookup column and value are required.

Purpose and work step column

The purpose and work step column defines work steps, rates, and the sequence of work steps. You can specify which work step consumes material items for an IWP. You can also designate a specific rate basis for a work step.

<Rate Basis> column

The <Rate Basis> column applies a different property definition by which you calculate man hours for a work step in a lookup row. The syntax for specifying a new property in the <Rate Basis> column is <InterfaceDefinition.PropertyDefinition>.

^[Interface definition name]

A custom interface definition can be associated with a component, based on the lookup values, when the rules of progress data are generated.

^[Property definition name]

A custom property definition can be associated with a component, based on the lookup values, when the rules of progress data are generated.

  • In the rate table tabs, the tilde (~) is used for looking up values in the generated XML file. Lookup values are property definitions. Any value preceded with the tilde (~) is considered a lookup value in the rules of progress workbook.

  • Lookup columns can be different for each rate table worksheet.

  • New lookup columns can be created. You can create new lookup columns by creating a new column with the tilde (~) as the first character. For more information on how to find and view property definition details, see Find and view property definition details. The tilde (~) tells the Generation Code that it is a lookup column.

  • The ~UOM lookup value is the unit of measure related to the SPC_ComponentItem_Units property definition.

  • The ~UOM lookup value is required.

  • You can specify a range for lookup values that are scoped by double or a unit of measure (UoM) type in the schema. For example, you can specify a range for ~SPC_ComponentItem_Size and ~SPCComponentItem_Rating. If using a range, type ([Minimum value],[Maximum value]).

  • You can specify a UoM along with a lookup value that does not use a wildcard. Provide a value or range, add a tilde (~), and type the UoM display value, as displayed in SmartPlant Foundation. For example, you can search for a specific value, like 20~in, or a range of values, like (3-6)~m. If no matches are found using the value and the UoM, then the value is considered without the specified UoM. If no match is found using only the value, the rules of progress will attempt to match using wildcard values.

  • You can specify a list of properties for string lookup values, such as ~SPC_ComponentItem_Thickness. If using a list of values, type {Property value | Property value}. The list can only be applied to one lookup value per row. Multiple values must be separated by the pipe ( | ) in braces; these values are treated as an OR value. For example, {XS | XXS} would match all lookup values with a thickness of XS or XXS.

  • If you specify a UoM for one lookup value, you must also specify UoMs for all other lookup values that support UoMs in the same row.

  • The wildcard values * and ? can be used to define lookup values. If there is an exact match (all lookup columns match the values on the component exactly), the rules of progress uses that row. Otherwise, the rules of progress attempts a match on the rows that contain wildcards. If multiple rows that contain wildcards are a match, the rules of progress uses the first match.

    • The wildcard values cannot be used to look up the ~UOM lookup value.

    • You cannot use a wildcard value as a part of a range.

    • The wildcard value * finds any string of values. And, the wildcard value ? finds one value.

  • You can type <Null> to specify a blank lookup value. If there is an exact match (all lookup columns match the values on the component exactly), the rules of progress use that lookup value. Otherwise, the rules of progress attempt a match on a row that contains wildcards.

  • All numeric values must be expressed as whole numbers (for example, 42) or using decimal notation (for example, 51.1). Rational numbers expressed as fractions (for example, 51 1/2) cannot be used in the workbook.

  • You can specify the IWP purpose in the first row below the component class definitions, the sequence number in the second row, and work step name in the third row.

  • You can specify which work step is to consume the material of an IWP by typing [Consumes material] in the row below the work step name.

  • The IWP purpose must be spelled exactly the same as the purpose defined in the FIWP purposes enumerated list. For more information, see Configure Work Package Disciplines and Purposes.

  • The rate is the number of man hours needed to complete one unit of measure (UoM) of work for a specific work step type.

  • You can specify a custom interface and property definition to associate with a component based on the lookup values. A new column for the values must be added. The interface definition must be defined in the second row, with the property value defined in the third row. Values for the interface and property values can be added to the lookup information. For more information, see Assign properties to a component in the rules of progress configuration workbook.

  • New work steps can be added to the rules of progress workbook. Add a new column to the rate table tab that contains the component class to which you want to add the work step. Define values for an IWP purpose, work step name, and sequence number (not required) in the new column header.

  • Sequence numbers are not required. If not specified, Smart Construction sequences the work steps on components in the order of the purpose and work step columns (from left to right). Sequence numbers must be specified on all work steps columns or none.

  • You can add work steps for bolt-up activities. These are optional work steps that can be configured on the Boltups tab for data that specifies bolts and bolt sets.

  • Reference columns can also be added. Insert a column with reference information such as labor adjustment factors. For more information, see Add adjustment factors to the rules of progress.

  • You can designate a new work step rate basis for a given lookup row in the ROP Configuration.xlsm in the <Rate Basis> column. You can also designate a new work step rate basis for a given work step in the ROP Configuration.xlsm in the work step and purpose column. You must use the syntax <InterfaceDefinition.PropertyDefinition>. When you generate the rules of progress data, Smart Construction uses the designated property definition to calculate the rate. For more information, see Designate work step rate basis.

  • You can configure SID work steps in the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook to automatically associate with a component. When the component is added to an IWP, the SID work step is automatically associated and planned in the IWP. For more information, see Configure SID work steps to automatically associate with a component.