Configure and update system settings for Smart Construction - Intergraph Smart Construction - 2019 (7.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Construction Help (2019)

Intergraph Smart Construction
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Smart Construction Version
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. Log on to SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client as an administrator.

  2. Click Smart Construction > Find > Administration > Options.

  3. In the Find Smart Construction Options dialog box, type SPC System Options, and click OK.

  4. In the search results, right-click SPC System Options, and select Update.

  5. Select Allow adhoc steps for engineered components? to manually add work steps to components retrieved into Smart Construction.

  6. Type a value in the Work step man hour decimal places box.

    If you change the value for the Work step man hour decimal places option, retrieve all models and drawings again in order to see your changes in the client.

  7. Select Allow work steps to consume materials? to specify which work steps consume the materials.

  8. Select an option from the Manage Crew Size by box. Select Numerical Crew Size to specify crews for an IWP based on the size and number needed. Select Named Crews to specify crews for an IWP by their name.

  9. Type a value in the Refresh work steps limit box to specify how many items are processed before the operation is sent to the Rules processor queue. By default, the value is set at 100.

  10. Type the name for property definitions to be excluded from the Properties dialog box in the Smart Construction client in the Excluded object property definitions box.

  11. Type the name for property definitions to be included in the Properties dialog box in the Smart Construction client in the Included object property definitions box.

    • You can exclude property definitions from the Properties dialog box in the Smart Construction client, or you can include property definitions. You cannot include and exclude properties at the same time.

    • Separate entries in the list with a semicolon.

  12. Select Hide published properties to hide properties published from authoring tools in the Properties dialog box in the Smart Construction client.

  13. Select Lock CWP after value is set? to prevent changes to the CWP value on an IWP after the value has been selected and the IWP saved. Clear the option to allow changes to the CWP values once an IWP has been saved.

  14. Select Lock Contract after value is set? to prevent changes to the contract value on an IWP after the value has been selected and the IWP saved. Clear the option to allow changes to the contract value once an IWP has been saved.

    If you select Lock Contract after value is set? and an IWP was previously saved without a contract value selected, Smart Construction allows you to edit the contract value once.

  15. Select Lock Contractor after value is set? to prevent changes to the contractor value on an IWP after the value has been selected and the IWP saved. Clear the option to allow changes to the contractor value once an IWP has been saved.

    If you select Lock Contractor after value is set? and an IWP was previously saved without a contractor value selected, Smart Construction allows you to edit the contractor value once after an IWP has been saved.

  16. Select Display drawing type beside drawing name? to show the drawing type next to drawing names in Smart Construction.

  17. Select Show custom context menus in viewer to enable the appearance of custom client API methods on the context menu when a component in a model or drawing viewer is right-clicked.

  18. Select Display package actual man hours? to display the Actual Man Hours box in the IWP Components window and the IWP Schedule window. By default, Display package actual man hours? is enabled. Clear the option to hide the Actual Man Hours box in the IWP Components window and the IWP Schedule window.

  19. Add a value for the maximum amount of time that is displayed in weeks for the Smart Construction OnSite IWP date filter. The maximum amount of time is 8 weeks, and the minimum amount of time is 1 week. The default value is 4 weeks.

    Settings are synchronized with Smart Construction OnSite when the app initially syncs with the server. If you change settings after the initial synchronization, you must clear your site settings from the OnSite app and re-enter them. The site will then perform the initial sync again.

  20. Select Display Hours text on mobile to show the number of remaining hours on a work package and component in the Smart Construction OnSite app. By default, the hours display. Clear the option to hide the number of remaining hours for work packages and components.

  21. Select Actual Quantity to allow the actual quantity of a work step to be updated in Smart Construction OnSite after the work step has already been marked as completed.

  22. Click Finish to save your changes.

  • You can view which version of Smart Construction is installed and configured in the SPC Data Version box.

  • For information on the Document Settings details, see Configure Documents.