Print Preservation Tasks for Execution - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 19 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Help (5.3.19)

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Execution of Preservation Tasks can be performed using either the "Preservation, by Assets" or "Preservation, by Tasks" module, the only difference is the "task" module is a list of PR tasks by scheduled date, where the "asset" centric module is showing the assets first, then secondary panel with all the preservation, no-compliance details. The "Preservation, by Assets" module is the most used.

Execution of Preservation Tasks can be compiled into paper-based sheets or checked out to a mobile user. Most of all global users perform digital/mobile approach as PR tasks are commonly very simple checklists, with ability to take pictures of the asset at the time of inspection.

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The Action Buttons are designed to:

Print for Execution: A user can select the time period for what PR check sheets they want to print (e.g. past due, today, this week etc.), and format of PDF file. We suggest selecting the "Smart Form" option as clients typically develop the digital form, however it still allows to be printed out with QR code to provide flexibility to projects. They can do either mobile or paper.

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Reset Started Tasks: This is designed to allow an administrator to query for a set of assets that have Started Task that have never been completed. Tasks that are started will prevent an administrator applying a "bulk update" of the PR task model to all tasks. Any task started will not be updated through the "push update" method performed from the task model module.

End Scheduling: This feature is designed to allow an administrator to find those assets with scheduled PR tasks and enable them to "batch" a "planned end date" for selected next instance of PR tasks. Select the assets in the primary list view, in the secondary panel select the PR tasks no longer required then press "End Scheduling" button and it will stop remove the current scheduled (non-started) PR task. This is a very useful feature to simplify turning off PR tasks and ensure that they are no longer included in the forecast reporting.

Remove History: This feature is designed to end scheduling, where an administrator can the assets in the primary list view, then select "Task History" tab, select the completed PR task instances, then press "Remove History" button. This will delete any historical PR tasks. This is useful for clean-up of cancelled PR tasks, or PR tasks that were used for testing and ensures these items are not included as part of Turnover Packages or are included in historical reports.

Check In/Out: This feature is designed for "Mobile Execution" and enables a preservation administrator to select the desired PR tasks (by selecting asset rows in primary list, then scheduled PR tasks in secondary list) and "batch checkout" the PR tasks to a particular user. The end user does not need to come into the cloud to fetch the PR tasks, they just need to log into the mobile device and sync down their assigned work. The "Check-in" function is used in those conditions where a field technician may have task(s) checked out to them, but they have left the project, they can check in the task and release it from the device it was previously checked out to.

Allowing export of QR codes as embedded Data

You can have the QR codes embedded to the documents for easy work progress. To configure this facility, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Export Wizard Manager and click Edit to add the new field QR Code String from the available list.

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  2. All these QR code IDs are mentioned and passed to the CCMS through a script file (XLS). So, when a QR code is added to a particular task form, it can be processed with the help of the embedded QR ID.

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You can now export the work breakdown project name associated with the Preservation task while exporting Preservation Tasks and Preservation Task Logs.

Updating/ Closing a paper based preservation Task

Any paper based preservation task can be completed/closed based on the pre-configured sign- off only after all the documents related to the same task are uploaded. You can close a paper based preservation task by clicking the Upload button in the secondary panel and uploading the checklist document/forms in PDF format.

User can also complete/close paper preservation tasks using the Upload Utility Tool to upload the required QR coded document/forms.

An Upload attachment button is available in the action panel at the bottom to upload attachment/reference documents to preservation tasks.