New Features and Improvements - Intergraph Smart Completions - Integraph Smart Completions Android Update 3 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Android Release Notes

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart Completions Version

In this release:

  • Flange Joint Tasks: You can view and manage flange joint tasks created in SaaS application at its full capacity in online and offline. For more information, see Managers in SCC.

    • You can view and execute all flange joint tasks associated with a project and its workflow status. You can view, search, sort, browse, and edit a flange joint task using the Flange Joint Tasks manager. For more information, see Flange Joint Tasks. (3308381, 3308390, 3308392, 3308393, 3818815, 3308379, 3818810)

    • You can view non-compliances, reference documents,PDFs, assets, task summary, and steps completions associated with a flange joint task. For more information, see Manage Flange Joint Tasks. (3817010, 3856507, 3816992, 3856493, 3817016, 3889415, 3856587, 3308376, 3856489, 3308383, 3856491, 3933553)

    • You can now use Sync manager to check out, check in, sync to upload, and sync to download flange joint tasks manager. For more information, see Using Sync Manager. (3308377, 3340183, 3933567, 3993375)

  • You can calculate the progress of a work package under the steps completions tab of a work packages manager. For more information, see Manage Work Packages. (3166170, 3857959)

  • You can download the asset level non-compliances, punchlists, and documents associated with a planned task and preservation task using the respective managers. For more information, see Tasks, and Manage Preservations. (3856440)

  • You can also log in to the smart completions companion application by scanning a QR code on the login page. For more information, see Connecting to Smart Completions Server using SCC. (3966795, 3970064)

  • You can add a inspection step for a client hold point in the smart form for a planned tasks manager. For more information, see Inspection Points/Steps. (3970707)

  • You cannot check out or download any closed tags (tasks, punchlists, non-compliances, and flange joint tasks) to the device for offline use. For more information, see Using Sync Manager. (3946908)