Media entities - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

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If you examine metadata for the SampleService Smart API, you will notice that the ReportInstance entity contains the HasStream="true" attribute and value, meaning that report instances support a media stream:

<EntityType Name="ReportInstance" BaseType="Com.Ingr.Core.V1.DynamicEdmEntityObject" OpenType="true" HasStream="true">

<Property Name="ExecutedDateTime" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Nullable="false" />

<Property Name="ExecutedBy" Type="Edm.String" />

<Property Name="Parameters" Type="Edm.String" />


If you request full metadata for a report instance:

GET'302')/Reports('Report 302')/Instances('1583')?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full

the response contains additional odata links, two of which deal with available media content:


"@odata.mediaEditLink": "Pipes('302')/Reports('Report 302')/Instances('1583')/$value",

"@odata.mediaContentType": "image/jpeg",


In this example, you can call the following resource to get a jpeg image associated with the report instance:

GET'302')/Reports('Report 302')/Instances('1583')/$value

SHARED Tip In the SampleService Smart API, the JSON response body returned from Com.Ingr.Core.V1.ExecuteReport includes a Url value that contains the corresponding media entity link.