Logical workflow - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

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As an example, assume your Smart Client is going to support setting property values, InsulPurpose and InsulSpec properties for a Pipe, by items in their bound select lists.

The following list provides an overview of the steps required:

  1. Search the annotations metadata document to discover the select list key for your first, or top-level, object property. For our example: “Insulation Purpose” is bound to the Pipe\InsulPurpose property. For details, see Properties bound to select list.

  2. Query for the select list key if it is different than the string in the annotation:

    GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists?$filter=Name eq 'Insulation Purpose'&$select=Id

  3. Use the Id to query for the Insulation Purpose Items:

    GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists('InsulPurpose')/Items

  4. Bind these items to your first drop-down or pick-list.

  5. The user selects an Insulation Purpose value from the drop-down, either “H” or “C”.

  6. Search the annotations metadata document to discover the select list key for your second object property. For our example: “Insulation Spec” is bound to the Pipe\InsulSpec property. For details, see Properties bound to select list for details.

  7. Query for the select list key if it is different than the string in the annotation:

    GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists?$filter=Name eq 'Insulation Spec'&$select=Id

  8. Use the Id to query for the Insulation Spec items, and limit the query to items related to the current Insulation Purpose selected. For example:

    • If the user selects “C”, where Name or Id can be used for the query:

      GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists('InsulSpec')/Items?$filter=Parent/Id eq 'C'

    • If user selects Insulation Purpose “H”:

      GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists('InsulSpec')/Items?$filter=Parent/Id eq 'H'

The logical representation of this data looks like:

Insulation Spec Items returned

  • FG-C

(Related to Parent Item “C” from Insulation Purpose)

  • GS-H

  • FG-H

(Related to Parent Item “H” from Insulation Purpose)