Register a new Smart Client - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

Intergraph Smart API Manager Help

Intergraph Smart API Manager
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What are the client ID and client secret?

When you register a Smart Client, Smart API Manager issues the Smart Client a client ID and client secret:

  • Client ID - Used to identify the Smart Client. The client ID can be generated automatically or set by an administrator.

  • Client secret - Used to authenticate the Smart Client and authorize it to access a Smart API. The client secret can be generated automatically or set by an administrator. However, the client secret should not be shared, like a user password.

For more information, see Smart API Developer Documentation.

What is an authorization flow?

An authorization flow is a protocol defining how the various roles, as defined by the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect specifications, interact in order to authorize a call to an API. Different flows require different types and pieces of information. Documenting all authorization flows is beyond the scope of this topic, but for more information, see Smart API Developer Documentation.

  1. On the left panel, click Smart Clients .

  2. Click New Smart Client .

  3. In the Register a Smart Client dialog box, click to enter a Name.

  4. Click NEXT.

  5. Click Client ID, enter a value, and then click NEXT.

    If no value is provided, Smart API Manager generates a unique ID automatically.

  6. Click to select the Authorization Flow. Guidelines and links to additional resources are provided on the dialog box.

    If the selected flow requires a secret, a value is automatically generated and displayed. The Smart Client must provide this secret to Smart API Manager when requesting an access token for a Smart API.

    If you want to change the generated secret, click the value and type a new one.

    SHARED Tip You can also change the secret later using the Details page for the Smart Client.

  7. Before continuing, save a copy of the client secret.

  8. Click NEXT and then FINISH.

    A client ID is generated for the Smart Client, and the details page for the new Smart Client appears.

  9. If you want, you can add post login and post logout redirect URIs. For more information, see Specify a web page for redirection after a user logs on or off.