Configure app settings for the Smart 3D Web API - Intergraph Smart 3D Web API - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D and Smart 3D Admin Web API Installation and Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Web API
Smart 3D Web APIs
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After you've configured access claims on your API Manager, you continue with configuring app settings. If you are not using the Smart 3D Web API, skip this topic and go on to the next, Configure app settings for the Smart 3D Admin Web API.

There are keys in the web.config file that allow configuration of the service.

  • When a URL is submitted to the Smart 3D Web Server for execution, the web server submits a request to a Smart 3D process to execute the URL. The web server waits a maximum of 250 seconds, by default, for the request to complete. The caller receives a timeout error if the request takes longer. You can change the wait time by modifying the ServerTimeoutInSeconds value.

  • The MaximumPageSize value specifies the maximum page size that will be honored in the odata.maxpagesize header preference. Any larger odata.maxpagesize value will be reduced to the MaximumPageSize value. Default value is 10,000.

  • The maximum number of objects returned in a single page is 100 if a $top value is not included in a URL. You can change this limit by modifying the PageSize value.

  • The API needs an open TCP port to stream file downloads using the TCP protocol. By default, the API uses port 53386. You can change the default port or add multiple ports by modifying the AllowedTcpPorts value. If you use only one port and try downloading more than one file by multiple simultaneous web requests, then the file download operation fails. Be sure to open your firewall to allow inbound TCP connections to these TCP ports on the Web API Server.

  • When the ExecuteReport action is invoked, the report is generated and stored in the configuration database. You can access the stored report using the ReportInstance navigation property. This ReportInstanceExpirationInMinutes is the expiry time set for each of the ReportInstance to remain in the configuration database, beyond which the ReportInstance is deleted. The default value is 20 minutes. You can set a larger value if the report instances need to be accessible for a longer period. Note that a larger value means that ReportInstances remain in the configuration database longer and therefore will result in a larger database size.

  • When the Asynchronous URL is invoked, the response is generated and stored in the cache. You can access the response using the URI present in the Location header value of the response received for the Asynchronous URI. This CacheTimeoutInSeconds is the expiry time set for each response to remain in the cache after the response is fetched at least once using location header, beyond which the response is deleted. The default value is 900 seconds. You can set a larger value if the asynchronous responses need to be accessible for a longer period. Note that a larger value means that responses remain in the cache longer and therefore will result in a larger cache.

If you are configuring the Smart 3D Admin web API on this machine, configure its app settings next.

Otherwise, you're done with configuring the app settings, which means you're done with the second configuration task! Next, you will use the Configuration Utility to configure the services.