Original Location - Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart 3D Upgrading to 14

Intergraph Smart 3D
Upgrade Guide
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

Specify how to select your original shared content location, and then select Next to go to the Installed Location page. Select Save to store your progress in the upgrade file.


Displays options for specifying the original shared content version and location. Select the original shared content version from the Version list. Type the full path to the shared content in the Location text box. Alternatively, browse to the shared content.

  • Version

  • Location

Pick by SQL site

Displays options for specifying the SQL site where the shared content resides and displays the original shared content location.

Select the SQL site server, site database, and catalog database from the following lists:

  • Site Database Server

  • Site Database Name

  • Catalog Database Name

  • Original Shared Content Version - This box is read-only.

  • Original Shared Content Location - This box is read-only.

You must have SQL Server Client loaded and a registered database server.

Pick by Oracle site

Displays options for specifying the Oracle site where the shared content resides and displays the original shared content location.

Select the Oracle service, database, and catalog database from the following lists:

  • Site Database Service

  • Site Database Name

  • Catalog Database Name

  • Original Shared Content Version - This box is read-only.

  • Original Shared Content Location - This box is read-only.

You must have the Oracle client loaded and a registered database service.

Copy VB6 Content

You should select the Copy VB6 Content from Original Shared Content option if you want to copy the old 32-bit Visual Basic 6 symbols and content to the new upgraded shared content location. You must select this option if you are still using the delivered VB6 content in your catalog or model. If you are confident that you have replaced the 32-bit content with .NET content, you can clear this option.

If you select this option, the wizard will automatically run the Update Custom Symbol Configuration command at the end of the upgrade process. The wizard writes status information to the log file, USCMigration.log, in the system's temp folder. You must review these logs and manually resolve the errors in the updated symbol configuration.

If you do not select this option, the utility does not run this step at the end of the upgrade process. You can run Update Custom Symbol Configuration command manually from Project Management later if any custom content is added.